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Khair Muhammad

Software Engineer

Contact Info


  • Java, Spring Boot & Hibernate

  • JavaScript, React

  • HTML5 & CSS3

  • SQL, MariaDB, MySql

  • Git & GitHub

  • Linux, Docker

  • AWS, Azure

About Me

A Backend developer that intends to learn new technologies. I have 2+ years of experience in Java EE development and spring boot framework in producing enterprise Level multi-tier applications. I have excellent technical and communication skills.

I love teamwork and am passionate about facing challenges and serving the organization using my creativity and problem-solving skills. I thrive on complex projects which have scope for continuing professional development.


Healthhub Co., Ltd

Seoul, South Korea (Remote)

Mar 2022 - Jan 2024

Web and App Developer

  • ✓ Worked extensively with the backend which comprises of Spring Boot, Hibernate and JPA

  • ✓ Responsible for creating and maintaining architecture for Restful API using Spring Boot

  • ✓ Design and Developed Restful APIs for different modules in the project as per the requirement

  • ✓ Developed Spring Security Module to generate JWT (JSON Web Token)

  • ✓ Developed data models using Hibernate POJOs

  • ✓ Created Models, Services, Controllers, DTOs and Repositories

  • ✓ Integrated Server Sent Events to send notifications and updates to frontend

  • ✓ Worked on QueryDSL for creating search queries with multiple optional parameters.

  • ✓ Designed the Email templates, generate emails with multiple files attachment.

  • ✓ Created different Query methods with named queries and Advanced queries.

  • ✓ Performed the tasks with minimal direction and supervision.

  • ✓ Wrote Scalable, maintainable and reusable code.

  • ✓ Source code management tools such as GitHub.

  • ✓ Worked under Backend development team


Karachi, Pakistan (On-site)

Feb 2021 - Feb 2022

Software Developer

  • ✓ Fixed existing issues and added new features in android apps developed in Java and Xamarin.

  • ✓ Maintained and updated backends developed in .NET core.

  • ✓ Communicated with clients for requirements collection and demonstration of project.

  • ✓ Collaborated with team to resolve production and development issues.

  • ✓ Brainstormed ideas with the team to resolve complex issues.

  • ✓ Delivered presentations to the team on latest development methodologies and scrum practices.

  • ✓ Deployed cloud apps and APIs to Microsoft Azure Cloud.

  • ✓ Developed frontend components using ReactJS.

  • ✓ Source code management tools such as GitHub.


BS - Computer Science

Skills Learned
Java2 SE, OOP, OOAD, Data Structures, Analysis & design of Algorithm, Relational Database Management System, Operating System, Computer Architecture & Assembly Language, Visual Programming, Discrete Structures, Theory of Automata, & Network Security.

Govt College Thatta, Pakistan

2012 - 2014

Science (Pre-Engineering)

Studies focused on engineering subjects such as Mathematics, Algebra, Physics and Chemistry. Learned basic concepts and applied these concepts to practical issues.

Govt High School Gujjo, Pakistan

2008 - 2012


Studies focused on science subjects such as Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Learned basic concepts and applied these concepts to practical issues.

  • ✓ Sindhi (Native)
  • ✓ English (Full Professional Proficiency)
  • ✓ Norwegian (Learning)
  1. Playing Table Tennis
  2. Playing Cricket
  3. Watching Movies and Documentaries